
For all our imperfections, the United States of America remains the greatest country in the world. And while we often exercise our very American rights to criticize it, ultimately 600 times more people immigrate to the U.S.A. each year than renounce their citizenship. That is no accident.

Success doesn't happen by birthright or luck. It takes work. And government does much of its most important bipartisan work through the private sector. From keeping our roads safe, our water clean, our children educated, to our service people abroad protected—the partnership between the public and private sector enables the expression of our deepest values.

Our mission is to serve our country and empower businesses by democratizing access to government contracts. By making the government procurement market more efficient and meritocratic, we improve the quality of services provided by government, save taxpayers money, and contribute the U.S.A.'s continued global leadership.


Ted Baxa
Co-Founder, CEO
Connor Fusselman
Co-Founder, President
Tyler Kimble
Founding Analyst
Head of PR
Why Join Us?
  • Do meaningful work that positively impacts the country
  • Build extraordinarily interesting things with AI that have practical value
  • Play on a well-funded team, with traction ($3m raised, 60+ customers acquired)
  • Make a lot of money if we perform (competitive cash comp, life-changing equity)
  • Enjoy the company of collaborative, hard-working, and fun-loving colleagues (in our unbiased opinion)


We raised $3m in 2024 from a trusted group of accomplished entrepreneurs, investors and operators and we've known for an average of 12 years each. Hear what some of them have to say:

“When building OpenGov and Camino, I saw firsthand how painful the RFP response process is. BreezeRFP is building an important solution to an acute problem.”
Mike Rosengarten
Co-Founder/CEO, Camino;
Co-Founder/CTO, OpenGov
"Government entities of all types want more qualified bids from small businesses. BreezeRFP is democratizing access to these contracts in a way that benefits both agencies and citizens."
Spencer Cummings
Deputy Chief Data Officer, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
“As a prior CEO in the industry, we worked with hundreds of cities and municipalities where procurement processes required strenuous effort. I can see how BreezeRFP can unlock significant value in a massive market.”
David Evans
Operating Executive, Falfurrias Growth Partners; Former CEO, Passport Labs; Former CFO, Cardlytics

Built in D.C.

Our office is in downtown Arlington, VA—steps from the Rosslyn metro stop

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